To begin initiating a return, within 7 calendar days of delivery, please return your item to our address above and reach out to our customer support team at to confirm the return.

  • We encourage customers to carefully read our Returns Policy and to please make sure all the items are eligible for return to avoid disappointment.
  • We only provide store credit for items purchased with a discount or discount code of 25% or more, from our full retail price.
  • Due to the custom made nature of some of our handmade products we can not accept returns/exchanges or offer refunds for any handmade item. Refunds or store credit will be issued within 3 business days from the date we receive your return at our return address (listed above).
  • Any product you return must be in the same condition you received it and in the original packaging. Please keep the email receipt.
  • We provide a refund to your original payment method for all full-priced items.
  • Exchanges are provided through store credit for eligible items only.
  • We do provide a return label or pay for returns shipping,but for all products,below the reasons that require customers to pay return shipping fees.

(a)Better price found

(b)Changed mind

(c)Does not fit

(d)No longer needed

(e)Ordered wrong item

  • Items must be in their brand-new, unused condition and original packaging to be eligible for a refund.

For all products,below the reasons that require only refund without return products

 (a)Expired item

  (b)Wrong item, this means that we sent the product wrong.

  • Items returned to us that are not eligible for a refund or store credit will be discarded or sent back to you at your own expense.
  • All items purchased with a gift card or store credit are not eligible for return. Gift cards purchased and store credit issued by  KING WOLF  cannot be exchanged or refunded. All shipping charges and governmental taxes are non-refundable.
  • Cancellations are only accepted for full-priced items, within 60 minutes after an order is placed. Please if you have to cancel your order for any reason reach out to us immediately at if you are able to cancel within the given time frame. We process orders as quickly as possible so cancellations are time sensitive.
  • The Terms & Conditions of our Returns Policy prevail in the case of miscommunication or otherwise.

If you have any questions at all regarding our Returns Policy please reach out directly to us at and one of our customer support specialists will help within 48 hours.

After the customer submits the order, there will be 2 to 3 days of processing time, the transportation time within the United States is about 8 days, and the transportation time outside the United States may exceed 12 days.

#Free shipping  for purchases of more than $100 (including $100)  in the United States.

Questions? Our customer support team will get back to you in 1-2 business days.

Address:432 Saint Michael Drive PA19148

phone number:0012677466910      

Warm reminder! Please try to use email to contact us!

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)


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